Treatment for Raynaud’s Disease is very individualized and varies from person to person.
Treatment for Raynaud’s Disease largely depends on the severity and if you already have other medical conditions. For many patients, Raynaud’s Disease is not life threatening, but it certainly can affect the quality of your life.
Certain medications may help reduce the symptoms of this disorder. It can be difficult to decide which medication will best suit you, especially as most medications carry some degree of risk.
This disorder has a long term prognosis. The more severe the disease, the longer it will take for it to be completely cured. If your symptoms are causing you great pain and embarrassment, it is important that you seek out treatment as soon as possible.
One thing that can be done to alleviate the symptoms of this disease is to wear gloves.
These gloves can be purchased from your doctor or pharmacist. A large part of your symptoms is due to damage to the inner layers of your skin. Wearing gloves will help you reduce the amount of irritation that occurs when you rub your hands against things, such as clothing, bedding, or furniture.
To determine if the symptoms of your Raynaud’s Disease are too minor to require treatment, you should consult with your physician. If you are experiencing pain that is not causing great discomfort, you may want to try a few over-the-counter pain medications. It is important that you follow the instructions on the label of these products and keep them away from any type of clothing that will rub or scratch the affected areas.
If you think that the symptoms of your Raynaud’s Disorder are severe, you may need to talk to a doctor about more invasive treatments.
Some of the treatments that your doctor may prescribe include medications or surgery. It is important that you understand the risks and benefits of these different treatments. Depending on the type of symptoms you are experiencing, your physician may decide that surgery is the best course of action for your particular case.
There are pain medications that can help to ease the symptoms of this disease as well. However, if these pain medications do not help you alleviate your symptoms or lessen the degree of discomfort that you experience, you may want to see your physician about medication that is less invasive.
Raynaud’s Disorder can cause you a lot of suffering if it is left untreated. Seeking the advice of your physician or pharmacist is the best way to ensure that you receive the best treatment for your specific case.
The first step in treating Raynaud’s disorder is to identify the pain that you are having on your hands.
If you have no other symptoms of Raynaud’s, you may want to consider a visit to your doctor before treating yourself with an over-the-counter pain reliever.
Your doctor will most likely recommend that you use a cold compress on your hands or an ice pack wrapped in a cloth. This will help to relieve some of the pressure that is placed on the affected area and decrease the amount of pain.
Another option that your doctor may suggest is to use hand cream. There are many creams on the market, both over-the-counter and prescription based. that are designed to help relieve the symptoms of Raynaud’s.
Before you start using hand cream to treat your symptoms, your doctor may want you to try some of the over-the-counter treatments first. Hand cream is also commonly recommended by physicians who are treating patients who suffer from other medical conditions, such as diabetes.
Once the cream that you use on your hands starts to work, you may want to try a topical cream that contains witch hazel. When this cream is applied to the affected areas, it will help to reduce the amount of pain and the length of time that the cream works to relieve the pain.
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