HPV vaccines are vaccines designed to prevent transmission of the virus from one person to another through sexual activity.

Common Side Effects of the HPV Vaccine

There are currently two types of HPV vaccines available for use in children: Gardasil vaccine and Cervarix. There is also a vaccine specifically designed to prevent the transmission of genital warts from a woman to her partner.

Human papilloma virus vaccines are vaccines which prevent the infection by a variety of different strains of human papilloma virus. There are three major types of HPV; types A, B, and C. Each type causes different types of genital warts. Gardasil vaccine protects against both types A and C strains of the virus. Available vaccines also protect against both two, three, or six types of HPV, which all contribute to the highest level of risk for genital warts.

Some people have questions about the safety of the HPV vaccine. While there is no medical proof that HPV vaccines cause serious side effects, the Gardasil vaccine has been linked to cervical cancer in a number of cases, particularly in young women who had unprotected sex with a man infected with HPV.

Cervarix, which is currently in clinical trials, is being marketed as a cervical cancer prevention vaccine. This vaccine works by preventing the transfer of the virus from the man’s penis to his vaginal area. In the past, doctors used the cervical cancer vaccine as a method of terminating early stages of the disease, but this vaccine has been found to cause some minor side effects.

The HPV cervical cancer vaccine has been approved by the FDA as a safe, effective way of stopping HPV infections in adults. There is no evidence that it causes the onset or recurrence of cancer in adults, nor is there proof that it causes any symptoms. However, if you are pregnant, you should consult with your doctor before taking the vaccine.

Common Side Effects of the HPV Vaccine

If you are breast feeding, the vaccine will not be harmful to you or your baby.

Another vaccine designed to prevent the transmission of HPV is called Cervarix. It was approved by the FDA for women who have multiple partners. While this vaccine can prevent the transmission of the virus to sexual partners, it does not prevent women from contracting the virus through other means such as vaginal intercourse. So even though Cervarix will protect women, it cannot eliminate the risk for transmission between partners.

For many people, the HPV vaccines may be a suitable way of preventing the transmission of the virus, but they do have some concerns about the side effects of these vaccines. The Gardasil vaccine was shown to cause some rare complications such as headaches, fever, nausea, and vomiting.

There is some evidence that shows that women who are vaccinated with Gardasil during their adolescent years may have higher rates of breast cancer. This problem can be avoided by using a booster shot in adulthood.

Another concern about the HPV vaccines is that they do not always work as well as the manufacturer intended. Many women who get vaccinated find that they still experience some form of symptoms even after receiving a dose of Gardasil.

If you think you may be having an adverse reaction from a vaccination, you should talk to your health care provider right away. If the symptoms do not go away, you should see your doctor. You should also see your pharmacist and ask them for advice on whether a prescription is necessary.

There are several ways to avoid some of the most common side effects associated with the HPV vaccines. You can avoid getting the virus by wearing clothes made from nylon, polyester, or cotton that has not been treated with Dioxane or fluorinated polyvinyl chloride.

You can also take precautions when it comes to personal hygiene, such as washing your hands thoroughly after you touch or kiss a person who is not your partner. Avoiding sharing swimming pools, showers, and spas with people who are sexually active.