Trichomoniasis is actually quite common in males, though females are more likely to contract the infection


This is due to the fact that trichomoniasis is an infection caused by infection with the protozoan parasite Trichomonas vaginitis, or trich. Although most people that contract the disease can't tell that they are infected, it can be treated.


In men, various symptoms will show. Generally, the male will experience itching and irritation on the genitals, though this will vary depending on the location of the infection. The scrotum and penis may also develop sores.


Another common symptom of which is irritation in the skin around the anus and testicles. This can lead to inflammation and pain, though it's not necessarily dangerous. Some patients report that they experience a burning sensation when urinating.


There are many different strains of the infection, though the most common is from the species of Trichomonas vaginitis. Other strains exist, however, and some strains are resistant to prescription drugs. Trich infections are often difficult to treat in adults because of this resistance.


It's a good idea to see your doctor if you suspect you have the infection. You can check yourself for trich in a urinalysis test. You'll want to discuss treatment options with your doctor, as some treatments can cause problems with other underlying health conditions.


Trich is not curable. Treatment is based upon finding the source of infection and then curing that source. The most common way to treat which is through a medication that kills the infection and prevents it from returning.


For some people, a topical medication may be all that's necessary to stop the infection. These medications contain a chemical called benzoyl peroxide that kills the infection. Others may need a medication that treats the underlying cause of the infection, such as anti-fungal medicines, to prevent recurrence.


Antibiotics are another popular treatment for trich. Many doctors prefer to use antibiotics to treat trich, as they can treat more than one strain of the infection at once. Antibiotics work by killing the infection and preventing the spread of the infection to others.


The most common form of treatment involves using antibiotics to kill the infection


While antibiotics work well in the treatment of trich, they're not perfect and some bacteria may still grow inside the body.


In addition to medical procedures, other ways to treat which include natural and alternative methods. If you or someone you know has this infection, you may be interested in trying some home remedies or natural treatments.


Drinking lots of water and/or taking warm baths is an easy way to get rid of trich. Many people have found that making their own colon cleanse tea with lemon or vinegar, or mixing a few cups of vinegar with a glass of water. is a popular treatment.


You can also use the cloves of garlic in your bath water. Simply wrap them in a plastic bag and add a clove of garlic to your bath water. You can apply the garlic and let it soak for an hour or two. It can kill any bacteria that is growing inside the body and help clear up your symptoms.


To prevent relapse, you can drink plenty of water and other fluids and keep your body hydrated. Also try to avoid foods high in sugar or refined carbohydrates.


There are also some herbal products that can be used to treat trichosis. If you have been successfully treated with prescription drugs or topical creams, you may be interested in an herbal remedy. Herbal medicines are more effective, so the likelihood of side effects is lower and the likelihood of a complete cure is higher.


One home remedy is to use baking soda. Mix hydrogen peroxide with a couple tablespoons of baking soda and apply to the affected skin.


Baking soda kills bacteria that cause bacterial infections, which helps to clear the infection out of the body. So far, it seems not a lot, but this is a very simple and effective way to get rid of trichosis.