Hepatotoxic disease is a type of liver disease that causes liver failure and has potentially fatal consequences if left untreated. Hepatotoxic refers to damage to the liver brought about by environmental factors and drugs. The most common form of this condition is hepatitis C, which can be caused by hepatitis B virus exposure. Liver failure and death can also result from the use of medications, as well as radiation therapy and chemotherapy.


Hepatotoxic drugs include many toxic chemicals such as antineoplastic agents and antibiotics. Hepatotoxins are known as liver poisons, and the damage they cause to liver cells is called hepatocellular carcinoma. When these poisons enter the bloodstream, the liver produces the chemicals needed for the liver to function properly.


When the toxin does not enter the bloodstream, it attacks liver cells. This leads to cell damage, which leads to fibrosis and cirrhosis. In severe cases, hepatitis can lead to liver failure.


The main cause of liver damage is exposure to toxins


Many of these toxins enter the body in the food we eat. Since many foods are naturally rich in antioxidants, it is very difficult to flush out all the toxins from our body.


Some of these toxins are caused by environmental factors such as pesticides and chemicals. Other toxins result from treatment and surgery, such as chemotherapy. Certain foods such as alcohol, caffeine, and tobacco can also cause liver toxicity. Certain medications, including antidepressants and corticosteroids, are known to cause liver toxicity. Even some medicines used to treat cancer can cause liver problems.


Hepatotoxic drugs have varying degrees of toxicity. Most drugs have low to moderate toxicity. Medicines with high toxicity include those used in chemotherapy. Some antibiotics also cause liver damage, like other antibiotics used to treat bacterial infections.



Liver failure caused by the use of certain medications, such as hepatitis C and tuberculosis, can lead to liver failure, just like other diseases caused by hepatitis. Because of the severity of liver damage caused by these and other medications, liver transplantation is usually required to save the patient's life. Hepatocellular cancer is an extreme case of liver disease caused by a single drug. Other forms of liver disease that can lead to liver failure include cholestasis and jaundice.


If you suspect that you are suffering from liver damage, seek treatment right away. Symptoms can include: nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, abdominal cramps, loss of appetite, jaundice, and yellowing of the skin and eyes.


One of the most common symptoms is the increase of bilirubin in the liver cells. Bilirubin is a waste product that accumulates inside the liver, causing it to enlarge and develop into a toxic sludge. Once this sludge builds up, it becomes toxic, blocking the liver's ability to remove bilirubin from its cells. When this happens, the cells of the liver are unable to remove it and become damaged.


When you begin to experience these symptoms, see your doctor immediately. Treatment can be as simple as a change in medication to help reduce the toxicity in the liver.


There are a number of other symptoms to look for if you suspect that you have a more serious liver problem, such as jaundice. or cirrhosis. These symptoms can also include a yellow, colorless urine, unexplained fever, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain in the abdominal area, and dark urine. In many cases, a patient will have increased blood pressure and have a pale complexion.


If you feel that your liver is not functioning properly, you should seek help immediately, especially if you experience these symptoms. A liver function test, called a hepatic function test, can diagnose this problem and point you in the right direction to get treatment.


In many cases, a liver transplant is the best solution for liver failure caused by toxic medications and exposure to toxins. Sometimes, there is no other option than surgery to save the patient's liver. If surgery is not possible, a liver transplant may be recommended.