Siamese Twins is a popular pet and can often be seen displayed in zoos and breeding facilities


The name Siamese comes from their native Thailand and describes a particular breed of Siamese dogs, most of which are of the white, cinnamon and cream coloration with a black tip to the tail.


Because of their origins in Siam (now known as Thailand) and the public's interest in their conjoined appearance, they were originally referred to as the Siamese conjoined twins, which is a phrase used for conjoined twins all over the world. Siamese twins are born to die a premature death due to problems with the birth canal, usually caused by an abnormality in the birth canal of one twin. These problems are usually corrected after birth, but when they are not corrected, then the child must be born with a deformity, often making it impossible for it to survive beyond its birth.


It is believed that Siamese breeds were first developed in Burma around the sixteenth century. Their unusual combined appearance of tapered tails and wrinkled faces is believed to have originated from their original home in Burma, but there is no conclusive evidence to back this up.


Siamese twins can differ from each other in size, weight, personality, behavior and temperament, to name just a few. Although they look very similar on the outside, inside the Siamese Siamese are very different from each other.


Siamese cats do not react well to heat and, when touched, their sides are very cold. They are extremely sensitive to light and are not recommended to be housed with other pets. Due to their tapered shape, Siamese often have eye problems such as cataracts or corneal degeneration. Due to their unusual conical shape, Siamese often have difficulty breathing through the nose. This problem will be more noticeable in hot weather or while sleeping, and can be treated with eye drops or a special pillow.


Siamese cats require a lot of attention, and therefore are an excellent pet. If properly cared for, Siamese cats will live a long and healthy life. Because of their sensitive nature, Siamese need a quiet and peaceful environment.



Due to the Siamese twin conjoined appearance, some dogs do not react favorably to other dogs


Therefore, prior to getting a Siamese you should make sure that your chosen dog is friendly with other pets and dogs. Many cannot tolerate other breeds. It is a good idea to research Siamese twin dogs prior to purchasing one to make sure that the dog is compatible with your lifestyle. Siamese are very stubborn and will challenge the owner to keep him or her motivated and happy.


The Siamese are intelligent dogs that are loyal and devoted to their owners. They are very loving and caring and enjoy interacting with others. They are very responsive to their owners and are willing to learn. Siamese are not suitable for families with very young children, as they are inquisitive and curious about everything around them, especially humans, and have an affinity for exploring and playing with them.


Due to the Siamese twin conjoined appearance, many dogs do not respond to other dogs, and therefore, do not get along with other pets. In order to find a breed that is ideal for the Siamese, you should research several different breeds of Siamese. Make sure that the breed of Siamese that you select is suited to your lifestyle and the size of the home. If possible, visit the breeder before you make any decisions.


Siamese are known for their playful personalities and are extremely energetic, making it difficult to contain them for extended periods of time. If your family enjoys walking, a high energy Siamese may not be suitable for the family. However, they love to cuddle, and spend a lot of time playing with and jumping.


The Siamese are extremely sensitive to their surroundings and are known for having a high prey drive, and need lots of exercise. You need to have plenty of exercise for this breed, as they do not like to be left alone for long periods of time. These dogs can quickly become bored and become restless if left alone for long periods of time, so it is important to give them ample amounts of daily exercise.


Since Siamese are inquisitive by nature, they can be easily distracted and are highly susceptible to noise. Because of this, it is important to ensure that the environment is quiet. where the Siamese resides is serene, and that they are given a variety of toys to play with, in order to reduce the incidence of accidents.