Septisis is a serious condition that can cause death in as little as 15 minutes if not treated immediately.

Symptoms of Septic Shock

Septisis is caused by an excessive response from the body to an infection. When sepsis develops into septic shock, heart pressure often drops dramatically.

If sepsis is left untreated, this can cause death within fifteen to twenty minutes. In most cases, sepsis can be treated by taking medications and even performing a surgical procedure. However, in some cases, sepsis can’t be cured. Some people who have sepsis have even died. The causes of sepsis are not yet known; but there are some common factors that can cause it.

Septisis is commonly caused by a weak immune system or other problems related to the body’s immune system. Certain diseases, such as HIV, can cause sepsis.

Symptoms of Septic Shock

Certain forms of cancer, such as kidney cancer, can also cause sepsis. When the bacteria that cause sepsis spreads to the blood stream, the person with sepsis can develop life-threatening problems, such as cardiovascular disease, kidney failure, and brain damage.

Septisis occurs when the bacteria, called Listeria, travels through the bloodstream and gets into the lungs. As the bacteria moves along the respiratory tract, it begins to multiply and produce toxins. Once the toxins start to build up, they begin to irritate the lining of the lungs. These irritants eventually clog the airways and cause a breathing obstruction.

This combination of breathing obstruction and lung damage is often fatal. The longer the person with sepsis waits to seek medical treatment, the more likely it is that he or she will die. It is important to seek medical attention right away if someone has this condition.

Septisis is caused when bacteria from a petri dish infects the lining of a person’s large intestines. This results in a person having an abscessed intestine.

Symptoms of Septic Shock

The bacteria will continue to travel up the blood stream and eventually to the lungs where they cause problems. Once in the lungs, the bacteria produce toxins that irritate the lining of the lungs and the lining of the stomach. Once both these conditions are affected, bacteria from the small intestines and the stomach to get into the bloodstream causing sepsis.

It may take a long time for sepsis to kill off all bacteria in the intestines. When a person is suffering from a condition that allows sepsis to spread to the bloodstream, it will cause several problems in the body.

If there is no blood pressure monitoring, it is extremely important to monitor your blood pressure. Blood pressure monitors can help detect blood levels that are too high or low. The higher your blood pressure becomes, the harder it is for bacteria to kill them. Blood pressure monitors can help you treat your infection so that it does not spread to the bloodstream.

There are also blood tests available that you can use to monitor blood pressure. Blood tests will show you how healthy your red blood cells are.

Symptoms of Septic Shock

If the red blood cells are too low, your chances of getting sepsis are increased.

If you are suffering from a condition that causes sepsis, you should have a test for diabetes to check the sugar levels. Diabetes can cause you to have high levels of acid in your body. The acid levels can also increase the risk of your intestines becoming infected. If you have diabetes and a high acid level, you may experience more than one episode of sepsis before you have a complete remission.

There are several other important symptoms that you should look for. These symptoms include vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and fever. If you have any of these symptoms, you should take a trip to the hospital right away.

Remember, even if you have been diagnosed with sepsis, you do not have to suffer in silence. Seek medical care for yourself and let a doctor know immediately. It is vital to your health and to your family’s health.