The thyroid gland lies at the top of your neck between the Adam's apple and the top of the throat. It's butterfly shaped and has two lobes situated either side of the trachea (passageway). If you feel a slight tug on the thyroid, you can easily tell by feeling it or watching for an uncomfortable ache in your neck. The normal functioning of a normal thyroid will produce enough hormones to maintain the proper levels of thyroid hormones in your body. When this hormone level drops, it can cause many symptoms to occur, such as weight gain, fatigue, depression, low energy, poor hair growth and many others.


There are two types of thyroid hormones, both of which regulate many different body functions


The first type, referred to as the thyroxine hormone, helps regulate your body's metabolism. This includes increasing the production of insulin, which causes your cells to absorb more sugar and convert it to usable energy.


The other type of thyroid hormones, called triiodothyronine, aids in the maintenance of this metabolic rate through the regulation of your thyroid hormones and also by reducing your body's absorption of fat and glucose. These two hormones also help to regulate the levels of iodine in your blood, which is required to convert the thyroid hormones to iodine, another element that is needed by the body.


When the thyroid glands don't produce enough thyroid hormones the thyroid cells become overactive and produce the wrong amount of these hormones. When the thyroid glands produce too much of this hormone, the result is that the body is overproducing thyroid hormone. This causes you to suffer from an under active thyroid.


There are ways in which you can reduce the levels of thyroid hormones in your body by using some herbal treatments that have been shown to be very effective in dealing with an overactive thyroid. Thyroid Hormone Support Formula is one of these treatments that is highly recommended and has been used for years as an effective alternative treatment for an overactive thyroid. It works by increasing the levels of iodine in your body so that it is easier to metabolize and convert it to thyroid hormones.


Another way that thyroid treatments can help is by regulating the production of your thyroid hormones so they're not over active. Taking vitamin D is another effective way in which this can occur and is why so many of the treatments for this condition include this vitamin in them.


If your thyroid doesn't respond well to conventional medication, there are many herbal remedies that can be used that can help


For example, Saw Palmetto is one herbal treatment that can be used to stimulate your thyroid glands into producing more thyroid hormone. This hormone is usually found in some supplements that are taken in a pill form. Another herbal remedy is to take potassium iodide to help regulate the thyroid hormones in your body.


There is no known cure for thyroid disease but there are natural methods that can help you control its symptoms. One of these methods is using natural supplements that can help to increase your metabolism and regulate the production of the thyroid hormones that are in your body.


The only downside to using natural supplements to treat overactive thyroid is that they are more expensive than synthetic supplements available in stores. But with a little research, you will find that there are many companies that make these supplements reasonably priced. In fact, you can get very good supplements for a fraction of the cost of over-the-counter prescription drugs.


You should also remember that natural supplements can cause side effects and should be taken as directed. Be sure to check with your doctor before taking any herbal or vitamin supplements so that your doctor can advise you on the correct dosage and frequency.

Supplements are not a cure for a thyroid problem and should only be used as a preventative measure. And, as I mentioned earlier, it is extremely important to use them correctly and consult your doctor before taking any thyroid supplements and A healthy diet and plenty of exercise will also be important for thyroid health. And remember that a good thyroid can also help you lose weight without resorting to supplements.