External hemorrhoids are swollen veins found outside the rectum


They are caused by too much pressure exerted by excess strain while having an ordinary bowel movement. This can be caused by constipation, diarrhea or severe cases of diarrhea or constipation.


Stress causes blood to accumulate in the affected area, causing swelling and bloating. This is due to decreased blood supply to the affected area due to decreased blood supply to the colon. This leads to the formation of hemorrhoidal tissue, which tends to expand to accommodate the increased blood supply. This increase also causes the blood to expand to the surrounding areas, creating external hemorrhoids.


External hemorrhoids can be internal or external, and one form can be found in the anal area. Internal hemorrhoids appear inside the anus, while external hemorrhoids appear outside the anus. Internal hemorrhoids can be very painful because they are hard and bumpy. They can become inflamed and bleed when touched, and when irritated, they can also bleed. Although bleeding from internal hemorrhoids may not be noticeable, external hemorrhoids can be seen.


Treatments for external hemorrhoids include home remedies such as inserting a tampon soaked in warm water into the affected area to relieve pain. You must use a rubber band to pull blood vessels and hemorrhoidal tissue in and out of the protruding area, thereby reducing its size. You can also apply topical ointments and ice to the infected area to reduce pain and inflammation.


Another effective way to relieve external hemorrhoids is with aloe vera. Apply aloe vera to the affected areas three times a day, especially around the anus, and around the anus and lower rectum. It is effective in relieving pain and burning sensation caused by hemorrhoids and may also temporarily relieve discomfort.


Another option is to purchase a cream that contains the active ingredient oat fiber. for the treatment of external hemorrhoids. It is usually applied to the affected area and left overnight. It can be applied in large quantities overnight to keep the affected area covered with oat fiber.



To get the most out of a hemorrhoid cream, it is best to make sure that you purchase a cream specifically designed for external hemorrhoid treatments. and not the type specifically designed for internal use. It is very important to choose a cream that is specifically designed to treat the external area as this is the place where the pain and irritation are located.


If you are using a cream specifically for internal hemorrhoid treatment, you must remember that it is possible to make matters worse by not using a cream that is designed for external hemorrhoid treatment. It is important that you use a cream that contains vitamin E or zinc oxide, since these two ingredients can help prevent and cure hemorrhoid, since they are effective against internal hemorrhoids as well. You can also buy oral tablets that can help treat the pain caused by hemorrhoids if you need immediate relief from the pain caused by external hemorrhoids.


Internal hemorrhoid treatments include creams, suppositories and oral antibiotics. A cream that contains witch hazel and other natural ingredients is good in relieving internal hemorrhoid. However, it is better not to use a cream that has strong fragrances because these can cause irritation and cause further irritation.


Oral antibiotics are the best method to relieve internal hemorrhoids since they reduce the inflammation and swelling that causes the external hemorrhoid to protrude. They are often used as a topical remedy to relieve the itching and pain of hemorrhoid. Oral antibiotics are good for internal hemorrhoid treatments.


External hemorrhoid treatment will require more effort and time than the other treatment for external hemorrhoids. It is best to make sure that you buy a cream that contains oat fiber and oat extracts so that it can prevent and cure the infection and relieve the pain and itching caused by hemorrhoid and give long-lasting relief from the pain caused by external hemorrhoid.