Night terrors aren’t life threatening, but when you find out that they are affecting your child it can be quite distressing.

What Causes Night Terrors? How To Overcome Them

Talk to your child’s pediatrician if you see any of these signs: the child suddenly seems sleepy or drooling. Terrors have interrupted sleep on more than one occasion.

A night terror is a terrifying experience that takes place when you least expect it. If you’re worried about nighttime terrors then you might be wondering what causes them and how you can stop them. Here are some tips for stopping night terrors from occurring.

A common reason people experience night terrors is due to sleeplessness. Sleep is important for many physiological functions, including the health of our mind and body. Our brain is continually refreshed by sleep, so it’s important that we have a good nights rest.

What Causes Night Terrors? How To Overcome Them

In order to do this, we must sleep. Unfortunately, if our sleep is disturbed or interrupted, then our body’s normal sleep cycle is interrupted, and our brain is more active in the mornings.

When our brain gets a sudden spike of energy, then it starts to function much like an overworked machine. It’s hard to wake up from this type of high-energy state, and the more you struggle to get back to sleep, the harder it gets to go back to sleep. This is where night terrors begin. Often when your body has been working nonstop all night, and you finally fall asleep, you can be woken up by a loud, terrifying sound.

Another factor that contributes to night terrors is a change in your child’s sleep routine. Kids who have a strict bedtime routine often find themselves experiencing night terrors. Their sleeping patterns have changed because they have become accustomed to a set amount of time to spend asleep each night.

What Causes Night Terrors? How To Overcome Them

So when their sleep schedule changes, they end up waking up in the middle of the night and waking up again, which only increases their anxiety and panic.

Other factors that can cause night terrors include traumatic events in the past. Maybe your child has suffered a traumatic accident such as a car crash or a fall, or maybe something happened to their caregiver. Whatever the cause, if it was traumatic enough, the trauma has left your child with a negative reaction that is usually related to the stress that the event caused.

So if you are worried about your child experiencing night terrors, talk to your pediatrician right away. They will be able to tell you what you can do about getting them to sleep peacefully.

Remember, there are a number of things that can trigger your child to experience a night terror. If your child wakes up suddenly during the night and doesn’t have a reason to do so, it could be a sign of a potentially traumatic event in their past. Talk to your pediatrician today and ask about treatment options.

Night terrors are not always directly related to fear.

What Causes Night Terrors? How To Overcome Them

Sometimes, children who have night terrors have also had sleep disorders such as narcolepsy or sleepwalking for several years. In other cases, night terrors are caused by a lack of sleep and can come on unexpectedly.

If your child experiences night terrors, there are some things that you can do to help stop the problem. For example, try to set a bedtime routine. You should start teaching your child to go to bed at the same time every night and stay asleep for a period of time before you go to bed and then start teaching them how to go to sleep when they are ready.

Try to encourage your child to use calming words while they are having night terrors. If your child is not having night terrors, try saying soothing words such as, “It’s alright, you’re going to be sleeping now”, or saying, “I hope everything is okay” and then let your child know that they’ll be going to sleep when they’re tired.

Try to avoid anything that causes your child to worry while trying to sleep at night. This might include loud noises, bright lights, or other sounds that might stress you out. In most cases, if your child is having night terrors, they will get better with time.